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Qualification awarded

Level of qualification

University studies, Second cycle, graduate (Master's)

Specific admission requirements

Minimum access requirements: Bachelor degree or its equivalent
Minimum access qualification degree:

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal)

Study subjects or parts thereof, corresponding to formal and subject requirements of selected study programme, may be included to individuals who graduated, studied or are presently studying at institutions of higher education in Lithuania or other countries, accredited in accordance with Lithuanian higher education curriculum, and who want to continue their studies at the University at the same or inferior cycle or studies of other studies programmes.

Profile of the programme

The program aims at enabling professionals to gain understanding of theory and practice of regional management. It emphasizes the question of how can be dealt with the public policy implementation issues related to cohesion policy of regions in most sustainable, effective and democratic ways. The objective is for students to developing competences to 1) advance discussions on regional issues and solutions; 2) accomplish research; initiate change; 3) take responsibilities of leadership; 4) master regional projects; 5) consolidate interests; coordinate governance networks. The Master of Regional Management is a study program for professionals with Bachelor degree. In the first semestre, students take foundational courses such as Regional Development; Methodology of Regional Governance; Interinstitutional Organizational Networking; Globalization and Internationalization of Economics. In the second semester, they advance their competences in the fields of Sustainable Development of Organizations; Participative Governance in Regions and Evaluation of Regional Programs; students also select one of elective courses either on EU Regional Policy or The Newest Applied Mass Medium. In the third semester students choose courses from the following disciplinary based electives: European Models of Democracy; Creating Organizational Culture; Strategic Communication; Modern Theories of Consuming. Starting from the first semestre students prepare master thesis, defending of which is the last step of the program.

Key learning outcomes

Knowledge and Its Application

A1In-depth knowledge of the specific elements of public governance and their systemic interactions
A2Able to analyze and critically evaluate the theories of public management
A3Has an in-depth understanding of the economic, social, legal and political context of governance, based on specific knowledge acquired in these areas
A4Knowledge on the methodologies of public policy analysis and its creative application
A5Be able to creatively interpret and apply appropriate public policy theories or concepts

Research Skills

B1Be able to analyze information thoroughly and use it in a coherent and reasoned manner to make public management decisions, to advise policy makers or managers, and to interact with a wide range of stakeholder groups
B2Applies quantitative and qualitative research methods professionally and combine them performing public management analysis, analyzing and evaluating decision-making processes

Subject–Specific Skills

C1Be able to analyze, critically evaluate and improve the functioning and management processes of public management organizations
C2Be able to plan, coordinate and control organizational processes in a professional and smooth manner, applying and developing managerial innovations
C3Be able to identify public management priorities, formulate goals and objectives and allocate resources to achieve them
C4Be able to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of public programmes and projects
C5Capable of implementing change and innovation in public management
C6Be able to contribute professionally to the improvement of the public policy process
C7Be able to contribute to public policy agenda setting and priority setting, policy formulation and evaluation, within the limits of specific responsibilities
C8Be able to identify, distinguish and measure the short-term outcomes and long-term consequences of public policy
C9Be able to see and analyze the public policy framework and the links between public policy strategy programmes and implementation plans
C10Be able to allocate available resources (budget) in accordance with identified public policy priorities in a reasonable manner taking into consideration important alternatives
C11Understands and evaluates the economic, socio-historical and cultural context of public policy, and be able reasonably consider that performing politics analysis or making decisions
C12Understands and evaluates political-administrative relations and their role in public policy, and be able reasonably consider these factors performing policy analysis or making decisions

Social Skills

D1Able to lead, manage, motivate and work in a team
D2Able to work flexibly and creatively with citizens or groups of citizens
D3Able to provide comprehensive information and professional advice to citizens
D4Can identify and plan the opportunities to involve experts or NGOs and exploit involvement of citizen
D5Recognizes and applies ethical principles when conducting research, gathering information or interacting with citizens

Personal Skills

E1Be able to recognise and take responsibility for own decisions and actions
E2Be able to act and make decisions fairly and impartially towards citizens
E3Be able to balance private and public interests without seeking personal gain

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Masters of regional management can proceed with their professional carriers as public official, researcher, expert. They can continue their studies at doctoral level and work at:
1) Supranational institutions: for example, EC DG Regio directorate;
2) Administration of international organizations: for example, the Council of the Baltic Sea States;
3) National, regional and local administrations.

Access to further studies

Access to the third cycle studies

Course structure diagram with credits

1 semester

1Methodologies of Regional Governance (S170M088)6
2Inter-Institutional Organizational Networks (S170M014)6
3Innovation Leadership in Organisation (S000M466)6
4Regional Development (S000M252)6
5Scientific Work 1 (S170M019)6

2 semester

1The Evaluation of Regional Programs (S170M013)6
2Participatory Governance in Regions (S170M011)6
3Sustainable Development for Organizations (S170M012)6
4Scientific Work 2 (S170M021)6
5Elective course6

3 semester

1Master Thesis (S170M036)30

Elective course

1EU Regional Policy (S000M263)6
2Globalization and Internationalization of Economy (S180M005)6
3Strategic Communication (S265M004)6
4Crisis Governance (S170M044)6
5Organizational Culture Development (S190M078)6
6Accountability of Civil Servants (S000M405)6

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

The University applies cumulative grading in order to ensure objective evaluation, active students’ participation during the semester and their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Cumulative grading final evaluation consists of interim course assignments (test, individual work, paper, laboratory work defence, and etc.) and final exam grades. If the student fails the interim course assignments and does not make to transition grade−minimal grade of determined interim course assessments−he is not allowed to take the final exam. Each study programme is completed by defending final thesis (project) and (or) taking final exams.

A ten-point grading system is used at the University. Knowledge is assessed in the following marks

Pass/fail systemKU grade*Definition
Pass10 (excellent)excellent performance, outstanding knowledge and skills
9 (very good)strong performance, good knowledge and skills
8 (good)above the average performance, knowledge and skills
7 (highly satisfactory)average performance, knowledge and skills with unessential shortcomings
6 (satisfactory)below average performance, knowledge and skills with substantial shortcomings
5 (sufficient)knowledge and skills meet minimum criteria
Fail4, 3, 2, 1 (insufficient)knowledge and skills do not meet minimum criteria / below minimum criteria

Graduation requirements

Undergraduate and master student’s knowledge, skills and abilities, indicated in the study programme description, are examined and evaluated during the public defence of his Final thesis. Final thesis by its nature can be scientific research or scientific-applied. Final thesis is analytical work based on independent scientific or applied research. A Bachelor’s thesis comprises 12 credits; Master’s thesis comprises 30 credits in the study programme of 120 credits or 24 credits in the study programme of 90 credits. Final thesis and its defence is to demonstrate student’s creativity and the ability to critically evaluate theoretical and practical innovations, as well as others’ previously carried out researches and their results; to indicate student’s knowledge in social and commercial environment, legislation, and financial capacity; to show information sourcing and its qualified analysis skills, computational methods and specialized software and general-purpose information technologies using skills, as well as the ability to clearly and correctly orally or in written present their research results and (or) product designed to different audiences.

Final thesis is defended publicly in front of the Study Field Qualification Committee approved by the Rector. All members of the Qualification Committee evaluate the final thesis and its defence in separate grades in ten-point grading system. Weighted coefficient of defended grade is up to 0.2. The final grade is the arithmetic average of the grades given by the Qualification Committee members, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Mode of study



Programme director or equivalent

Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak

Department of Public Administration and Political Sciences