Dean's Office open hours:
The beginning and end of academic year:
Academic year usually starts on September 1 and lasts till June 30.
Each year exact dates are confirmed by the rector's order.
A student must pay a tuition fee during the first 3 semester weeks (each semester).
Tuition fee can be paid in parts. Payment terms for tuition fee:
Payment receipt (the original) must be presented to the Dean's Office. Students, who do not follow payment terms or do not submit payment receipt, are excluded from the university without notice.
Payment details:
Recipient: Klaipeda University
Beneficiary's Bank: AB bank "Swedbank"
Bank code: 73000
Bank account LT61 7300 0101 2922 9730
Name of the tax: tuition fees
Answers to your questions
If you have any questions, our team is here to help!