Privatumo politika

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and its applications

The newest knowledge in study or activity field based on fundamental or applied scientific research (research parts of art projects) which graduate is able to use when solving issues in new or unknown environment, performing scientific research or engaging in professional artistic activity, or developing innovations.

Research skills

Graduate has the ability to analyse, synthesize and assess research data necessary for studies, scientific (art) and professional activity and innovation development; he/she has the ability to integrate knowledge, manage complicated situations and make decisions when there is no comprehensive and well-defined information, and assess alternative solutions and possible impact on environment.

Special abilities

Graduate has the ability to use available knowledge and prepare new means (technical, methodical, informational and organizational/managerial) based on it necessary for scientific researches, studies, and implementation of cultural and artistic activity or innovation development.

Social abilities

Graduate has the ability to communicate summarized clear and reasoned information to specialists and other persons and evaluate it critically. He/she assumes responsibility for the quality and assessment of his/her and subordinate employees’ activity following the principles of professional ethics and citizenship. He/she assumes responsibility for the improvement of his/her and subordinate employees’ activity.

Personal abilities

Graduate has the ability to plan the process of learning in an autonomous manner and choose the direction of improvement in an autonomous manner, and study (learn) in an autonomous manner further. Graduate has the ability to use scientific research (artistic activity) data and has experience in research work and has skills of systemic and strategic thinking necessary for autonomous professional activity and scientific research work (artistic activity). He/she has the ability to make innovative decisions assessing possible public and ethical outcome of activity. He/she acts perceiving moral responsibility for the impact of his/her activity and its results on public, economic and cultural development, wellbeing and environment.


Atsakymai į tavo klausimus

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Reikalinga akademinė pažyma/diplomo kopija
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