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Teaching Approach


In the case of ITEM when joint programme is provided together with a higher education institution of two countries, the aim will be to create opportunities for students from different countries to study in different cultural and academic environments.

A joint study programme promotes the mobility of both the students and the teaching staff and create opportunities for students to benefit from the experience of different countries and higher education institutions.

Interdisciplinary approach

Studies will be based on interdisciplinary approach through integration of social sciences and technologies which will be reflected in the content of the modules and students will be taught by two or more teachers from different fields in each module. Newest Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences experience of doctor studies based on synergy of social sciences and technologies and Klaipeda University experience of integration of different sciences will be applied.

ITEM study modules help students to understand complex ideas from a range of subjects, to synthesise these into a rounded intellectual and creative response, to understand the symbiotic potential of distinct disciplines.

Teaching principles

The program follows basic principles:

  • Compliance with the innovations and newest trends in European tourism and events management achievements,
  • Integration of research, studies and practice,
  • Close study relation with tourism industry and direct integration into practise-related projects.

Studies enable strategies of critical thinking, leadership development and creativity and performance which are fundamental for successful study results in tourism event management and bring the stakeholders of study process to higher quality level of collaboration and achievements.

Study methods

During classes study collaboration is stimulated through group work. Depending on the learning subject and module other teaching tools such as student group consultation project module (SGCPM), problem based learning, scenario based training, experience based learning and simulation games are applied.

The gaining of the knowledge of event management software, e-events and ICT applications is essential. The training also includes classroom teaching, seminars, workshops, company visits, meetings with managers and professionals, personal development.

Involvement of the representatives of industry into study process and the internship is crucial in ITEM studies. One of strategic ambitions of ITEM program is to achieve long-term employment for graduates through company internship. Fostering of participation of ITEM master students in national and international conferences creates good networking opportunities with leading tourism business representatives.


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